northland ladies retreat

2024 Workshops

A Way Through the Wilderness

Sylvia Stoltzfus

In Isaiah 43:19, God promises that He will “do a new thing. . . He will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert,” yet life can bring such heartache that we question if that hope could ever be possible. Our whole being despairs with confusion and pain in the dry, barren reality of a wilderness journey, yet God never intended for suffering to mangle our hearts. Instead, it is a gift into a deeper relationship with God. Learn how the hurts from our past can lead us to an abundant life when we choose to step onto the healing path with our compassionate Heavenly Father.


Messy Motherhood

Jewel Carter

What happens when dreams of being a mom are momentarily dashed, empty arms are filled through the miracle of adoption (and later the blessing of biological children), and you discover that parenting is harder than you ever imagined? How do you respond when meeting your little ones’ emotional needs looks impossible? I will share how God guided us, as an adoptive family, through the wilderness of trauma and mental health struggles. I want to give tips on how to support families going through difficult times. Most of all, I’ll share how God brought healing and blessed us beyond anything we ever imagined. He is truly good!


Thriving Singles

Yvonne Witmer

Single women have unique opportunities to give and to influence—but also unique challenges as they live in a culture predominately made up of couples. How do they live well with the expectations of “everlasting youth” and the loneliness of feeling overlooked? I was married at 38, then widowed less than a year later, and now I am remarried. I know loneliness and “not fitting in.” Gratitude for the blessings I have is a huge step toward living in contentment. Look for ways to give to those around you. Allow the loneliness to draw you to God. You are single for a purpose.


Welcoming the Stranger

Laura Olson

In God’s word, we are told to “use hospitality one to another without grudging” and to “be not forgetful to entertain strangers.” What does that look like in our day and age? As followers of Christ, how can we not only share our homes and tables with strangers but open our hearts to them also? I’ll share some experiences from my own life to encourage you to reach out to those in the needy world around you and to make a difference.

Teen Workshop (Ages 13-16)

Kara Borntrager & Hannah Hess​


God’s transforming power is revealed through His creation in many ways. But how does transformation happen in our own lives? In this workshop, we will explore the beauty of God’s transformation and redemption in our lives and throughout history. We will also include some fun and creative hands-on projects! This two-part workshop is designed for ages 13-16, but it is open to anyone.